Join the Community

(Trete der Community bei)


WhatsApp Groups (Whatsapp Gruppen):


The Upper Room (English)

For updates and news on the official Upper Room page, or for exchange within the community, join our WhatsApp group.

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The Upper Room (Deutsch)

Für Updates und Neuigkeiten auf der offiziellen Upper Room-Seite oder für den Austausch innerhalb der Community treten Sie unserer WhatsApp-Gruppe bei.

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Let’s Talk Faith to Faith (English)

Our series of interreligious webinars 'Lets talk faith to faith' invites people from all religious backgrounds and countries to have open discussions and exchange ideas. Experts and religious leaders are invited from time to time to talk about a specific topic to foster dialogue in our webinars. Join the group to stay tuned for upcoming webinars or simply to share thoughts and interesting topics

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